Dawn's Story
Dawn was diagnosed with cancer at an early age. Medical imaging helped to diagnose her cancer. Her mom, Debra, began to ask questions about alternative testing that didn't involve radiation.
After talking with providers, Dawn now receives ultrasound instead of CT to watch for future issues. This conversation resulted in less radiation exposure to a young woman who has a very bright future.
Questioning the Test
Sometimes a provider may order imaging for a larger part of the body than necessary. Debra recounts a situation like this, and provides insight into the sometimes frustrating reality that we must keep a watchful eye on our care and ask questions when something is not clear.
Dierdre's Story
When test after test led only to uncertainty (and more tests), Deirdre discovered the importance of getting a second opinion.
Natasha's Story
When Natasha got sick, she discovered that medical records don't always follow the patient from one place to the next. In her case this almost resulted in additional testing.
Doctor Discussion Part 1
Medical imaging has potential risks and potential benefits. In this video, Dr. Solberg and Dr. Smith-Bindman share tips on talking with your provider about getting only the tests you need.
Doctor Discussion Part 2
How can patients make sure they receive the lowest radiation dose possible when being imaged? Dr. Solberg and Dr. Smith-Bindman discuss some ideas about how to begin the conversation with your providers.